Anto Sandra, S. Pd

I. Conditional Sentences (Kalimat Pengandaian)
Disebut juga conditional if, karena menggunakan if (jika). Dibagi kepada 3 :
a. If + Present tense + Future
Example : if my father paintes the wall, I will help him
b. If + Past tense + S + Would + V1 / be à berlawanan dengan fakta
Example : 1. If I got an accident, I would call the police à verbal
2. If I were sick yesterday, I would not be in the class à nominal
c. If + S + Past Perfect + S would have + V3
Example : If he had catched that dog , he would have killed that dog
II. Quated Speech And Reported Speech (Kalimat Langsung Dan Kalimat Tidak Langsung)
Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung) | Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tidak Langsung) | |
1. Using Present | 1. Using Past Tense | |
2. Using Continuous | 2. Using Past Continuous |
Example : 1. Silvia said, “ she is my grand mother” à Direct Speech
Silvia said that she was his grand mother à Indirect Speech
III. Question Tag (Pernyataan Berekor)
“Pernyataan yang berfungsi mempertegas pernyataan sebelumnya”
A. Verbal
1. S + V1+ O, Do/Does + not + S ?
kal 1 kal 2
2. S + Do/Does + not + V1+ O, Do/Does + S ?
kal 1 kal 2
3. S + V2+ O, Did+ not + S ?
kal 1 kal 2
4. S + Did + not + V1+ O, Did + S ?
kal 1 kal 2
Example : 1. Nora desire me, doesn’t she ?
2. Nora doesn’t desire me, does she ?
3. He killed the mosquito last night, didn’t he ?
4. He didn’t kill the mosquito last night, did he ?
B. Nominal
1. Leyli and Yuni were sick yesterday, weren’t they ?
2. Leyli and Yuni weren’t sick yesterday, were they ?
C. Dengan Modal Auxuliary
1. Ani’s mother can help you, cann’t she?
2. Ani’s mother cann’t help you, can she?
IV. Adjective Clause I & II / Relative Pronoun (Kata Ganti Penghubung), Menghubungkan Dependent Clause (kel. kata yg bisa berdiri sendiri) Dengan Independent Clause (kel. kata yg tak bisa berdiri sendiri)
1. Who (digunakan untuk menggantikan orang yang berkedudukan sebagai subject)
a. The girl is Yudi’s sister à independent clause
b. The girl work in Union Bank àdependent clause
è The girl who work in Union Bank is Yudi’s sister
2. Whom (digunakan untuk menggantikan orang yang berkedudukan sebagai object)
a. Kimberley Mathew is in Bukittinggi
b. Ade Warisko killed her last week
è Kimberley Mathew whom Ade Warisko killed is in Bukittinggi
3. Whose (digunakan untuk menggantikan frase orang yang menyatakan kepunyaan / possesive)
a. Reis’s father is in hospital now
b. His health has not been so good lately
è Reis’s father whose health has not been so good lately is in hospital now
4. Which (digunakan untuk menggantikan frase benda atau binatang baik subject maupun object)
a. I saw a mosquito
b. The mosquito was killed by Zahra
è I saw a mosquito which was killed by Zahra
5. That (digunakan untuk menggantikan frase orang ataupun benda/binatang), dengan kata lain dia bisa mengganntikan posisi who, whom, which.
a. Kimberley Mathew whom Ade Warisko killed is in Bukittinggi
è Kimberley Mathew that Ade Warisko killed is in Bukittinggi
6. Where / in which (digunakan untuk menyatakan tempat)
a. Bukittinggi is a beautiful city
b. Ade Warisko was live in there
è Bukittinggi where / in which Ade Warisko was live in there is beautiful city
7. When (digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu)
a. I will never forget the day
b. I met you then (on that day)
è I will never forget the day when I met you
V. Adjective Clause III “Using Which to Modify a Whole Sentence”
Clause (Kalimat) | Phrase (Bukan Kalimat) |
S + V +….. (The boy is handsome) | Adj + S…(Handsome boy) |
Example :
1. Tomi is handsome, which surprised Yulia
VI. Count Noun & Uncount Noun (Benda yang bisa dihitung, dan tak bisa dihitung)
1. Singular & Plural Noun (Tunggal & Jama’)
a. “an” & “a”
an àkata benda tunggal yang inisial bacaannya adalah huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o)
Example : an apple, an umbrella
Nb: a university. “u” pada university inisial bacaannya adalah huruf mati à “y” (dibaca yuniversity)
a à kata benda tunggal yang inisial bacaannya adalah huruf mati. à a book, etc
b. Irregular Plural forms (Bentuk plural yang tak beraturan)
Child – children à a child – two children. Child (tunggal), children (jama’)
Contoh lain : man – men, woman – women, foot – feet, tooth – teeth.

People (tidak diketahui jumlahnya)
c. Singular as same as plural (tunggal sama dengan jama’)
Glass – glass, glasses – glasses, fish – fish, furniture – furniture
2. Count & uncount, menggunakan ;
a. Many (banyak), untuk count noun à many student’s, many book’s, many people’s
b. Much (banyak), untuk uncount noun à much money, much sugar, much water
c. Some (beberapa), bisa untuk kedunya à some student’s, some sugar
d. A little (sedikit), bisa untuk kedunya à a little of sugar, a little of student’s
e. A few (sedikit/beberapa), untuk count à a few minutes, a few book’s
f. A lot of (banyak), untuk uncount noun à a lot of people, a lot of sugar
VII. Showing Relationship (Menun jukkan hubungan sebab akibat)
1. Preposition (kata depan)
a. Because of
Because my mother was sick, I must transmit her to hospital
Because of the sick of my mother, I must transmit her to hospital
b. Due to
Because her father was death, Luna got stress
Due to her father’s death, Luna got stress
2. Transition (mengacu kepada result/hasil, akibat)

b. Consequently oleh karena itu, maka dari itu, sebagai akibatnya
c. As a result
Example : Ben didn’t study, as a result he failed the test
VIII. Expressing Unexpected Result (Alasan Yang Tidak Bisa Diterima Secara Logika)
1. Using eventhough, although, though (walaupun, meskipun)
Although it rains today, I go swim to the beach
2. Using conjunction, but….still, but….anyway, yet….still
It was cold, but I still went swimming
3. Using transition, nevertheles, however, nonetheless (namun, bagaimanapun)
It was cold, however I went swimming
4. Preposition, using despite/in spite of + phrase
I go hunting, despite the cold weather
IX. Showing Direct Opposition
1. Using adverb clause, whereas, while (sedangkan, tetapi)
Padang is far of Jakarta, while Bandung is near of Jakarta
2. Using conjunction, but (tetapi)
Marya is poor, but Nora is rich
3. Using transition, however, on other hand (namun)
Iqbal is diligent, however I am lazy
X. If Clause (Pengkondisian Keadaan)
1. If tonight the lamp is off, I will seek candle
possible condition result
2. “Wheter or not” and “even if”
a. I will come back home wheter or not she forbid me
b. Even if Mery study hard, she id not going get a succes
XI. In Case (That) and In The Event (That)
Mengungkapkan ide-ide yang tidak mungkin terjadi tetapi mungkin bisa terjadi
Example : a. I will help you in case you (should) need to get in touch with me
XII.Unless (If …. Not)/ Jika tidak
I will forbid you to go to Puncak, unless this year is rainy
XIII. Adverb Clause Of Condition, Using Only If (Hanya Jika)
I will desire you, only if you don’t hate me
XIV. Express Condition, Using Otherwise and or (else)
I always take a bath at morning, otherwise I never want go out
XV. Giving Example, for example, for instance, such as, like
I like many of drink, such as coffe, ginseng coffe, tea, etc
XVI. Continuing the Same Idea, Moreover, Furthermore, In Addition (Lebih lanjut)
I like many of drink, such as coffe, ginseng coffe, tea, etc, moreover I am drunker.
XVII. Expressing Ability
a. Using can, be able to (kesanggupan, kemampuan)
I can help you = I am able to help you
b. Using too and very + adjective + infinitive (to + V1)
· Too, menyatakan terlalu (ketidak sanggupan)
Aan is too tall to enter to this room
· Very, menyatakan sangat
Marya is very young to marry with Pardon
XVIII. Unit Terakhir
1. Adjective + Enough + Infinitive
My grand father is old enough to run fastly
2. Enough + Noun + Infinitive
Cujika has enough time to think to answer the test.
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